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"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing 
there is a
field.  I'll meet you there." - Rumi




Woodland Gathering

June 9th @ 4pm - June 11th @ 3:30 pm 2023



Once upon a time, a story was told in the heart of the woods.  Once upon a time, women gathered around a fire, and leaned in to listen to words mixed with woodsmoke.  Once upon a time a Wild Maiden walked into the Forest and stepped off the path….


This is not just ‘once upon a time’, this is our time.  Time to do what wanderers and seekers have been doing for millennia, and step into the Forest.  Just as in the old tales, we won’t walk out the same.


We invite you to a weekend woodland retreat for a two day telling of the tale of the Handless Maiden.  This powerful story of endurance, exile, descent and sovereignty is filled with initiation, and is deeply relevant for people of all ages and especially those wondering what is asked of us in our troubled times.


Join us as we follow the journey of the ‘Wild Maiden’, off the beaten track, away from our modern ‘get up and go’ culture, to honour the descents that we go through at initiatory moments in our lives.  We will invoke the art of slow listening, opening our ears to the depth of the old tales, and inviting encounter with the woods and the more-than-human world. Our creative practices include poetry, environmental art making, storytelling, image work and solo wandering. There will be cooking over the fire, feasting, random acts of creativity, wild camping and a community to share stories together. 


 “In this [story-telling] tradition a story is ‘holy,’ and it is used as medicine. The story is not told to lift you up, to make you feel better, or to entertain you, although all those things can be true. The story is meant to take the spirit into a descent to find something that is lost or missing and to bring it back to consciousness again” – Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Women Who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman.


12 places maximum for a wild camping weekend in private woodland in Hampshire. 


To book: email me at or click this link for booking form:

With Rebecca Smart and Emma Collins

Emma is a grief whisperer, a hearth tender and an apprentice to the wild. She is committed to listening to the signs of our times with an equal measure of grief, tenderness and a willingness to proceed as if needed. In her work with people and the land she weaves together her practices in nonviolent communication, a reverence for deep time myths and the stories of the more than human world and her background in coaching, mentoring and psychotherapeutic counselling.

Rebecca is a storyteller and arts psychotherapist who works with rites of passage, and is inspired by taking myths into nature.  She has an ear for unearthing the untold stories that need to be shared, and is a deep listener as well as being a compelling and dynamic teller.  Rebecca continually draws inspiration from the diverse stories encountered in her group work in settings ranging from NHS mental health wards, to businesses, retreats, and the forest – where she works with women and myth.  


Friday 4pm through till Sunday 3.30pm, 9th - 11th June 2023


Emma's private woodland near Clanfield, Hampshire, UK.


Sliding scale: £250 - £380


For guidance on how much to pay, and any other questions, click on FAQ below. 
Or just get in touch with me at, or Emma at


Nourish, Empower, Deepen

Join us for a day of movement, myth and creativity.  We will be exploring the myth of Demeter and Persephone, re-framing Menopause as a key rite of passage, and as a time to celebrate female intuitive wisdom and power.

A chance to ask: what do you need to grieve or let go of at this gateway of change? What wisdom do you hold at this time that needs to be listened to? What is your deeper calling right now?

You will be nourished by movement practices designed to support Menopause, with Qi-gong and energy movement for women.  We offer a creative and reflective space to connect with the wisdom of this rite of passage, and our intention is for you to leave with a sense of empowerment and deeper rootedness at this potent time of transition.

With Rebecca Smart and Nicola Ley.

Contact for Details
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