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This evidenced based psychotherapy model is an accessible and  powerful way of transforming your internal landscape. If you have ever felt like different parts of yourself are pulling in different directions, then you are noticing your Internal Family Systems. There are 'no bad parts', all are welcome.  This compassionate and creative approach offers healing for exiled parts and relief for hard working protective parts.    Underpinning it all is our 'Self', the inner wisdom each of us has that offers capacity to witness, unburden, and heal from past wounds.  IFS also offers a way of healing trauma or pain that may have been passed down from generation to generation, enabling those legacy burdens to be transformed.  
IFS has a simple but powerful premise at its heart - that we are all multiple with many parts, and that we all have an inner Self, with calm, compassion, clarity and connection, that has capacity to heal.

Arts psychotherapy


Sometimes words are not enough, or may feel impossible.  Images and metaphors can bridge intense feeling into expression safely, without having to spell it out.   I offer an approach tailored to whatever you feel comfortable with, you don't have to be an artist or define yourself as creative.  It can be as simple as paying attention to what is going on in your body, or describing a visual image or metaphor for your experience.  Arts can also include movement, art making, sandtray, clay, music, storytelling, poetry.   The arts can be a powerful way in to access the deeper, more unconscious parts of ourselves that might be pre-verbal or only be able to express through an image or physical sensation.  Equally, art offers a way of regulating the nervous system, calming with breath, movement, or with simple use of art making or sensory objects to anchor and ground.  Creativity offers the chance to take small steps into the unknown, and I create a safe, welcoming space for this to emerge in whatever way is right for you.

Image by Jade Stephens
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EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitation and Reprocessing.   It is an evidenced based approach to processing problems and symptoms triggered by traumatic events.  Side to side eye movements and/or tapping are used to help negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs and body sensations caused by stuck traumatic experiences, to be processed.  It can support new perspective and alleviation of symptoms associated with traumatic memories.  For further information about EMDR, go to:

Copyright Rebecca Smart 2023

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